How Does Web Hosting Work?

Billions of people the around the world use the internet on a daily basis, but most of them do not understand how it works. For a particular website to be viewed across the world, site owners have to ensure that their websites are hosted on a specialized server through a concept known as web hosting. A website can only be placed on the internet through web hosting, and that is why it is important to understand the procedure.

Web Hosting Procedure

An IP address gives any data or information that is available on the internet a unique identity. Therefore, web hosting providers like MangoMatter Media have multiple IP addresses that cover a specified range. Website owners have to sign up for the existing hosting plans provided by hosting providers for their content or website to be accessed within the specified range or public hosting area.

A domain name is used to refer to a site owner’s public hosting area. The domain must correspond to the IP address for one to access a particular website. Therefore, one can simply enter a site owner’s domain by typing an IP address into a web browser. Multiple customers can share a single IP address to reduce hosting costs, and this offer is normally associated with budget hosting providers.However, sharing of an IP address has its shortcoming especially when one of the customers commits an offense. In this case, all the websites sharing an IP address are penalized when one of them commits an offense. Therefore, most site owners go for dedicated IP addresses to avoid being blacklisted, blocked, and penalized in shared IPs.

Domains and Subdomains

When a website owner signs up for web hosting, they have to specify a domain name that corresponds to the IP address. The domains are then stored in the name servers. Your IP address makes it possible to automatically resolve all queries for a particular domain. Subdomain names need the name server record to function effectively under the parent domain.

The registration of domain name takes place separately as they are normally in the public domain. There is a specified term for using a domain name after registration, but one can always renew their registration before the expiry date. The right to use a particular domain name is granted after registration, and the term can last between one to ten years. The location of the name servers is normally specified in the Domain Name System.

The type of web hosting depends on a person’s needs, the size of a website, and the type of website. Hosting providers vary in terms of capabilities of servers and prices. Therefore, one has to select a hosting provider depending on their unique needs. There are different hosting packages depending on the number of people you want to access your site. Cheap hosting packages limit the number of people that can view your website.

In conclusion, web hosting makes it possible for a website to be viewed across the world. Site owners have to purchase the rights for using a particular domain name for a specified period of time. You can only increase the number of people that can view your website by going for more expensive packages.