“Photoshop”. Just like “Google,” “Xerox,” or “Facebook,” this image editing software by Adobe has transformed into a household name – one that has even turned into a verb itself. “Seriously?! It’s like you’re Photoshopped!” says Emma Stone to an extremely masculine and well-built Ryan Gosling.
Photoshop CS6 is bundled with several new features like new dark interface, searchable layers, the powerful blur gallery, camera Raw 7, video editing, and the Adaptive Wide Angle filter, which removes distortion from extreme wide-angle photographs and panoramas.
There are several innovations and enhancements in crop tool, dashed strokes, paragraph and character styles, editable 3D type, and the exciting Content-Aware Move tool, which moves selections and automatically heals the backgrounds.
So let’s have a look our collection of 20+ creative Adobe Photoshop CS6 tutorials and learn some useful tricks. We hope this post is more supportive for your talent.
Photoshop keeps on being the outline software of decision for millions graphic and web designers over the globe for an extensive variety of tasks, including photo altering, typography, delineation, 3D demonstrating and movement. There is a mess of thing that you can do with Adobe Photoshop and the main confinement…
Hundreds of thousands of incredible Adobe Photoshop brush sets are all over the web. Brushes can save you some serious time when it comes to adding design flourishes, so we've rounded up our favorite free Photoshop brushes. Today, we bring to you an amazing selection of 25 awesome free swirl…
Adding a watercolor impact to a design has turned out to be truly well known of late. Other than it being famous in web design, it additionally looks truly pleasant when you alter your photographs and need something else. Utilizing different mixes of pastel and impartial hues, this subtle method…