By presenting information in a compact and creative format, infographics are able to quickly convey knowledge and engage its viewers. Their main strength is that they allow you to get complex ideas across in an easily digestible, social media-friendly way, catering to the short attention spans of the average web user.
While not everyone can make infographics from scratch, there are tools available on the Web that will help you create your very own infographics. We’ve selected 10 of our favorites here. They’re all free, or offer free versions. Let us know which ones you get on best with.
After making your first infographic please consider to submit it to The Infographics Archive, the digital library offering links to the worlds best Infographics on the web. Following are some more related articles that you may like to browse through: Premium BuddyPress Themes for WordPress, Subscription Widgets for WordPress and Excellent Free Metro UI Templates.
1. Vizualize



4. StatSilk

5. Photo Stats

6. InFoto Free

7. Piktochart

8. Google Developers

9. Dipity

10. What About Me?