SEO is one of the most important parts of many digital marketing strategies. However, it’s a repetitive, tedious and time consuming exercise. The work involved increases even more if you have a WordPress blog you regularly add content to. To address this problem, a range of WordPress SEO plugins have been developed. This means you can focus on creating great content and spend less time worrying about Search Engine Optimization. These are five essential SEO plugins every WordPress website owner should consider.
The Yoast SEO plugin does much more than other SEO plugins. This plugin helps you write high quality content that the search engines approve of. Yoast analyses the content you add to WordPress pages and blog posts. These pages and posts include a range of components that determine how search engine friendly a website is. The Yoast plugin highlights many common problems associated with these components and suggests the appropriate changes you should make to optimize a page or post.
All-in-one SEO Pack
The All-in-one SEO Pack plugin is one of the most popular WordPress plugins ever. A free and paid version of the All-in-one SEO Pack plugin is available. This plugin automatically generates and optimizes a range of important web page and blog post components including titles, meta descriptions, meta keywords and image alt tags. It’s more advanced features include e-commerce optimization and duplicate content checking.
Ultimate Video SEO Plugin
Video plays a huge role in many digital marketing strategies. It’s one of the most effective ways to publish content online. However, it can be difficult to optimize a video when you add it to a WordPress website. The Ultimate Video SEO plugin is designed to solve this problem. It retrieves SEO information from video sharing websites like YouTube, Vimeo and Daily Motion. As well as this, the Ultimate Video SEO plugin automatically creates a video sitemap. The sitemap makes it easier for search engines to find your website.
SEO Friendly Images
The importance of images has increased in recent years thanks to the popularity of social media and mobile technologies. They are also an important component of WordPress websites. Safari SEO Sydney recommends optimizing each image with the same diligence as the text on your site. The SEO Friendly Images plugin automatically includes the appropriate image title and alt tags for each image you add to your WordPress website.
SEO Pressor
SEOPressor is another high-quality, premium WordPress SEO plugin that delivers results. This plugin provides powerful keyword analysis, LSI keyword analysis, over optimization checks, social SEO integration, automatic smart linking, rich snippets and much more. Like all of the other SEO plugins mentioned here, SEOPressor saves you time and attracts more visitors to your website through the search engines.
Most website owners want to concentrate on more productive activities than SEO. The five SEO plugins for WordPress above reduce the time spent on this activity, ensuring that your website is optimized to attract as many website visitors as possible from the search engines.