Product photos can make a huge difference in the success or failure of your marketing strategy. Great photos will increase leads and entice customers to see the value of any product. Poor shots will cheapen not only the products for sale, but also the company’s general image.
The best way to avoid a damaged reputation and raise customer interest in your product base is to improve the photography. Here are some tips to get you started.
1. Buy a Professional Camera and Learn How to Use It
When you place a smartphone photo next to a photo taken by a professional camera, the difference in quality is obvious. “There’s a huge difference between an average camera and a high quality camera,” says a blog post from Green Residential, marketers of real estate.
“If you’re still snapping pictures on your iPhone, you’re missing out on potential leads. While your smartphone’s camera may be good enough for Instagram pictures of your morning coffee, it’s not an adequate solution for [your products].”
A quality camera costs more, but the return on investment will be worth it, provided you learn how to use it properly. Take a couple of courses or watch a series of online tutorials to get the hang of your gear before employing it.
2. Get the Lighting Right
Natural light generally works better for presentation than artificial. Try to shoot photos in the early afternoon in an area that has plenty of windows. The quantity of light as well as the uniform distribution at this time of day is perfect for showing every facet of a product.
However, avoid hard light, which can create sharp shadows around the product. Using a flash diffuser will distribute the illumination more evenly, avoid shadows in the nooks and crannies of the product, and keep the flash from distorting the colors.
3. Try Different Angles
Look for unusual angles for your photographs. Different points of view can tell a different story. They can also clearly present the product’s shape and size, with greater accuracy, in order to ensure sales and customer satisfaction.
4. Make Sure the Background is Right
“In many cases, the type of background material used for a photo shoot will greatly influence the outcome of the photograph,” says a blog post on background selection from Ebay. “A background that is too busy can detract from a subject. However, a background that is too dull can leave the whole image looking washed out and unfinished.”
You should keep in mind that the entire photograph should be treated as an art piece. Every color must work with the others, and the product should stand out.
For that reason, most businesses choose to use a white or gray background for their photo shoots. It enables the items to stand out clearly without distraction.
5. Natural Is Hot
Photographs of an item in a natural setting are a great way to draw conversions. For example, showing a pair of shoes on a pair of feet or a throw pillow on a sofa will showcase the product in its most useful setting.
Staging the products in this way will take more money and creativity, but it’s excellent for appealing to your target audience.
6. Take Repeat Pictures
Don’t take just one photo of your product. You’ll want to snap several shots of each item, then select the one that looks best.
Also, don’t touch the delete button until you’ve downloaded all the photos on your computer and selected the best ones. Retain a few in case the one you originally chose doesn’t have the effect you’d like on your website.
7. Edit, Edit, Edit
Just as editing the writing on your blog posts results in a more polished presentation, editing your photographs is vital to success. “Photo editing was at one time a controversial step for photographers,” says an article from TechRadar.
“The wide capabilities of software like PhotoShop made post-processing a quiet, private affair. No longer. It’s generally accepted now that even the best images can benefit from a few basic enhancements with photo editing software.”
Investing in great editing software, taking courses to understand the process, and practicing are all essential steps in photo editing. After each edit, you’ll finish with a highly polished and attractive product image for your website or marketing materials.