Modern web designs are frequently using the technique of scrolling to move images, text around the web page frame to create interesting visual movements. There are lots of WordPress widget plugins available using which you can add extra functionality to your design. In today’s article we have listed great wordpress free scroller widget plugins. These scroller widgets are easy to use and implement.
We would love to hear your feedback, so please don’t hesitate to comment below. If you have interesting examples, tell us about it in the comments. If you like this article, you might be interested in some of our other articles on: Free Exit Popup WordPress Plugins, Best Social Media Analytics Tools, Free WordPress Generator Widgets and Best Ajax WordPress Premium Themes.
FP News Scroller
FP News Scroller allows you to display news/post from a specific category or from all category in a widget position with with infinity scroll effects. The scrolling options/parametrs/controls are managable from wordpress admin area. You can also assign the category and the post limit.

TapSocial for WordPress
TapSocial is a complete social media News Ticker solution. Stream real-time tweets from Twitter, posts from Facebook, and your own custom messages in a highly-configurable, responsive and animated format.

Responsive Page Scroller
Responsive Page Scroller is a Responsive WordPress Plugin which allows easy scrolling of the WordPress Page/Post from Top to Bottom and vice versa. This Plugin gives much comfort and the user can easily scroll long WordPress Pages/Posts. Your visitors will love you for giving this feature on your site.

Wp-Ticker basiert auf jQuery und es ist moeglich, mehrere Ticker-Instanzen zu erstellen. D. h. es koennen mehrere Ticker auf einer Seite/in einem Artikel oder z.B. in der Sidebar und in einer Seite bzw.

Effect Maker
The Effect Maker allows you to customize JavaScript effects like scrollers, slide shows and messengers with your own texts, fonts and images. No JavaScript development skills are needed. With a few clicks you can start creating your own effects. You can have several customizations of one type of effect in your site.

WP Scroll Posts
WP scroll posts create widget of scroll posts up/down with setting page , give setting like , enable, title, date, excerpt etc. user can enable or disable each option as one needed.

Bknewsticker for WordPress is a powerful news ticker that lets you display your latest posts, Local Entries RSS feed , Local Comments RSS feed, External RSS feed.

FP News Ticker
FP News Ticker allows you to display news/post from a specific category in a widget position with ticker(reveal – output will like type writing) effects or fadeIn/fadeOut effects.

jQuery Vertical Scroller
jQuery Vertical Scroller plugin is our attempt to create a easy to use widget for adding vertical scrolling to your wordpress site. You can scroll anything from your recent posts to custom posts you might have created for other plugins. The scroll is flexible to allow you to scroll in 2 vertical directions. Top-to-Bottom or Bottom-to-Top.

Scroll Back To Top
Scroll Back to Top is a WordPress plugin to add a button that appears only when users scroll down the page allowing them to scroll to the top of the page. The plugin comes pre-configured and is fully functional on activation.

Continuous Announcement Scroller
Continuous announcement scroller wordpress plugin create an announcement widget in the website, it’s not a simply message display instead the message will scroll vertically from bottom to top like roller and many message display at the same time. This plugin will support multilingual content.

Autonachrichten Newsfeed
Dieses Plugin zeigt aktuelle Nachrichten rund um das Auto. Die gezeigten Themen, können beliebig konfiguriert werden.

WP Scroll To Top
Wp Scroll to top plugin makes the scrolling of a page easier. It appends an icon at bottom of the page which attracts user attention. When the user click on this button it smoothly scrolls to the top of Webpage. Wp Scroll To Top plugin offers custom settings which no other plugin have.

Information Reel
Information Reel wordpress plugin create the reel type scroll in the website widget. The scroll contain the entered title, image, and description. This is best way to announce your messages to user.

Super Smooth Scroll
Very tiny, fast loaded this plugin is. Will add smooth scrolling experience to your site which your visitor will like sure! So, just get it, install it and see the magic.