As we move firmly into spring here in the northern hemisphere, many turn their thoughts to spring cleaning. It should be noted that a number of these solutions go in for some deep cleaning – such as going into the database type cleaning. Here, in our today’s post I have compiled a list of some of the best free cleanup plugins for WordPress that are totally useful and free.
We would love to hear your feedback, so please don’t hesitate to comment below. If you have interesting examples, tell us about it in the comments. If you like this effort then don’t forget to take a look on other articles: Premium Personal Blog WordPress Themes, Free Mailing List WordPress Plugins, Free Wedding Planner WordPress Themes and Free Scroller Widgets for WordPress.
1. Simple Revisions Delete
It helps you keep a clean database by removing unnecessary posts revisions. Unlike other similar plugins, it lets you delete only specific posts revisions, not all your site revisions at once. The plugin is perfectly integrated in the WordPress back-end, and uses native core functions to safely delete revisions.

2. iThemes Security
iThemes Security (formerly Better WP Security) gives you over 30+ ways to secure and protect your WordPress site. Most WordPress admins don’t even know they’re vulnerable, but iThemes Security works to fix common holes, stop automated attacks and strengthen user credentials. With one-click activation for most features, as well as advanced features for experienced users, iThemes Security can help protect any WordPress site.

3. WP Clean Up Optimizer
WP Clean Up Optimizer optimizes your WordPress as well as clean up the obsolete data from database. You can schedule the process of Cleaning, Optimizing , Deleting and Repairing the database tables without going to phpMyAdmin. WP Clean Up Optimizer uses our own Tech Banker API based on Maxmind Database to fetch location and other details based on IP Address for its feature Login Logs.

4. CUF Cleanup Upload Folder
This plugin will help you to find all file that are not used and not refered in your wordpress site, but that are in the upload folder. Maybe one day you installed one plugin/theme, this one made a war of files in your wordpress site, and at this moment this plugin/theme is not used anymore, and you want to find and delete all this file, well this plugin is for you.

5. qTranslate Cleanup and WPML Import
This plugin can either cleanup the qTranslate meta-HTML tags from your site and leave just one ‘clean’ language, or migrate all languages to WPML’s format. This mode is intended if you just want to keep one language in your site and you want to clean up the language meta-tags that qTranslate added.

6. DNUI Delete Not Used Image
This plugin will help you to find all image in the database that are not being used/unused and give you the opportunity to cleanup the database and the server space. You will only delete not used/unused image (based in the logic of a blog site, continue to read please), so dont worry about delete image used

7. WPEX Replace DB Urls
With WPEX Replace DB Urls you can replace one ore more urls in the complete database. Serialized strings are also supported. You can replace an URL with another. This is sometimes necessary, for example when you change the domain name.

8. WP Clean Up
WP Clean Up can help us to clean up the wordpress database by removing “revision” “draft” “auto draft” “moderated comments” “spam comments” “trash comments” “orphan post meta” “orphan comment meta” “orphan relationships” “dashboard transient feed”. It allows you to optimize your WordPress database without phpMyAdmin.

9. WP MediaTagger
WP MediaTagger is an extensively configurable plugin and a superset of the former WP ImageTagger plugin. It provides all the tools required to categorize your WordPress blog medias by associating it to any defined tag or category. Among many features, it comes packed with a tagcloud widget that will make the process straightforward for everyone and will permit a transparent integration.

10. Image Cleanup
mage Cleanup will index these (and many more) unreferenced images. Unreferenced images are not indexed in the wordpress database and also not used by posts, scripts or backup restore meta data. Please note that images which have valid database metadata but are not used in posts are not indexed at this time.